我们的常见问题列表如下. 如果你之后还有问题 请审阅一下单子 接触% 20住房 或致电478-289-2172.

住房申请现在是一个从开始到结束的一步十大正规网赌平台过程. Students 已经收到十大正规网赌平台录取通知书的学生可以完成 申请房屋 clicking here 然后登录.

Follow the directions carefully and be sure to visit and complete all pages within 应用程序.

如果你打算在夏季和秋季住在校园里,你需要填写一份申请表格 这两个学期的十大正规网赌平台申请.

EGSC-Augusta students can choose to live in apartment complexes located near campus. 十大正规网投平台大学管理 校外住宿选择列表 供学生选择.

Contact EGSC-Statesboro for more information on housing options in Statesboro or visit our 校外住房 page.

If any information for your record changes (permanent address, phone numbers, email address, campus of attendance) be sure to complete an admissions application update form. 点击这里完成 网上更新表格.

There is no deadline, but rooms are assigned on a first-come basis dependent on completion 房屋申请及房屋申请费收据. 住房没有保障. 一旦我们有了候补名单,就 房屋主页 会更新这些信息以及十大正规网赌平台住房申请吗.

New Students:

当你在房内申请就好了 MyEGSC portal,你会进入室友搜索页面. 你可以通过名字或名字找到室友 姓或手机号码. 你只会找到你要找的人 如果他们已经开始申请住房. 请注意,如果您发送请求 to a roommate, they must confirm your request in order for the two of you to be housed together. 如果你很难找到你选择的室友,把他们的名字写进去 住房申请的“十大正规网投平台我”部分. 我们会尽力帮你复原的 只要有可能.

在分配房间的时候,你室友的要求会压倒你的要求 构建请求. 例如,如果在你申请的时候,你要求两个特定的室友 而你想住在山猫别墅-西部,这是我唯一指定的地方 you with three open bedrooms is Bobcat 别墅-南方, you will be assigned to Bobcat 别墅-南方. 室友的偏好总是优先于建筑物的位置.


Must participate in room self-selection each spring and will not be permitted to pull in roommates. 每个学生负责选择自己的房间空间.

New Students:

Roommates are assigned based on information provided on the Residence Hall Application 以及学生的意见. 在申请表上,学生可以通过 name. 他们还会填写室友资料问题,帮助我们匹配他们 类似的人. 新生将被分配给室友 首选项第一,建筑类型第二,配置文件问题答案第三.

返回的学生 在房间自选期间是否允许选择特定的房间.

是的,你可以要求换室友. 更改可以通过EGSC电子邮件请求 如有空位,请于公布的入住日期前两星期缴交. 收到请求 within the 2 weeks just before move-in will not be considered, and you will have to 等到开学后的换房期.

You may request a room change during a semester, but space may not be available for 立即行动. 室友协议将在第一个月完成 这个学生在校园里. 这份协议将要求四位室友考虑情况 他们可能会在一个学期中遇到并讨论一个行动计划. The agreement can be altered at any time to fit the changing needs of the group, but also serves 作为调解的平台.

Room changes will not be made during the first two weeks of the last 2 weeks of the semester. 这些是用来确认房间占用和分配任务的冻结日期 分别用于下一学期.

    • 客厅:模块化的部件,可以用作椅子或推在一起 a couch and/or loveseat; window blinds; ceiling fan (Bobcat 别墅-南方)
    • 客厅:客厅2把拖鞋椅(山猫别墅-西)
    • Kitchen: refrigerator with ice maker; stove; microwave
    • Bedroom: extra-long twin bed with mattress and drawers; desk; desk chair; track closet system; window blinds; ceiling fan
    • 双人床:36英寸宽× 80英寸深× 8英寸高
    • 双人床:38英寸宽x 2.5"长x 36"高(南床有床下梳妆台抽屉)
    • 三抽屉梳妆台:30"宽x 20"深x 29"高(山猫别墅-西)
    • 标准套间:宽30英寸x深24英寸x高29英寸
    • 4腿桌- ADA套房:34“宽x 24”深x 29“高
    • 移动基座/床头柜:16英寸宽x 20英寸深x 29英寸高(山猫别墅-仅限西部)
    • 2位主席:17位.5英寸宽× 25英寸深× 32.5"H


    • 客厅窗户:80英寸宽× 76英寸高(学生想要挂在地板上的窗帘 应该买96寸的门帘板)
    • Bedroom Window: 40”w x 64”h (Students wanting curtains that hang to the floor should 购买96寸门帘板)
    • Closet: track system; 48” shelf with bar for hanging clothes
    • 卧室:8英尺x 9英尺


    • 客厅窗户:宽59英寸,高70英寸(学生想要挂在地板上的窗帘) 应该买96寸的门帘板)
    • Bedroom Window: 34"W x 58" H (Students wanting curtains that hang to the floor should 购买96寸门帘板)
    • 典型的套房内门:3'W x 6'-8 ' H
    • 淋浴ADA: 5'宽x 2'-10 '深
    • 淋浴标准:4'宽x 2'-10 '深
    • 卧室:8 ' 6 ' x 11'
    • 提供淋浴杆-不提供浴帘和挂钩. 学生应购买 失速淋浴衬板. 你也可以在标准浴帘上加一个 额外的浴帘环. 请住宿助理带你去!

Students will be notified of their room assignment and roommates when their application 完成(所有五个步骤都完成了)或在7月15日之前(以最后一个为准). The room assignment will also appear on the confirmation page of your housing application 一旦房间分配好.

在明年的7月15日之前,不希望看到确认的房间分配. 暂定作业将于7月1日或之后提供.

Beginning Fall 2018, students interested in housing must be accepted to EGSC before 他们可以申请住房. 住房申请可作为链接在 MyEGSC学生门户 or by clicking here 然后登录.

No. EGSC的校内住宿只适用于出生性别相同的室友. 没有性别中立的住房. 如果你是一个关心的跨性别学生 十大正规网投平台室友配对的问题 contact%20us 这样我们就能确保你有一个很棒的室友匹配体验.

住房和居住生活办公室强烈建议每个居民 携带个人租客的保险为他或她的个人财产在事件 of fire, flood, theft, hurricane, tornado, overflowing tubs, broken pipes, water main breaks, etc. 这不是必需的.

你必须明白,十大正规网赌平台和住房和 Residence Life DOES NOT and CANNOT protect any personal belongings against burglary, 破坏、火灾、烟雾和其他危险.

You must also understand that, by not having personal liability insurance, you may be liable to third parties and to 十大正规网赌平台 and the Office of Housing 以及居住保险,用于支付租房者保险所涵盖的某些风险.

你可能有你父母的房主保险. 问问你父母。 homeowner's insurance company to see what is covered and additional information necessary for coverage.

We will make every effort to have a Preview Room available for touring during Orientation, EGSC Open House, and regularly scheduled campus tours, but cannot allow items to be 在学生搬进公寓前安置的.

入住时,您必须填写、签署并上交房间状况报告 刚入住时房间状况有任何问题. You will be held financially responsible for any damages to the room found upon move-out unless originally noted on the Room Condition Report or a previously reported maintenance problem. 严重的损害可以作为学生行为违反的破坏行为提交 取决于严重程度.

房间将在搬离时再次检查. 你必须安排这次检查 present when it takes place, or complete an express move-out during which you do not 必须在场.

Housing and Residence Life will maintain and repair the mechanical systems, plumbing 系统和设备. 居民将负责从发生的任何费用 滥用、虐待或忽视公寓或房屋.

No, any EGSC student who is enrolled at full-time status and passes a criminal background 如果有空间,可以住在校园里.

Yes, all students who choose to live on campus will be required to purchase a minimum 9-meal / 200 - flex的计划.

Visit our Living Spaces & Meal Plans 点击此处了解更多信息.


有线端口也可用. 南山猫别墅的学生们可能都有 互联网和电视服务,如果他们愿意的话. 西方的学生将不得不做出选择 在有线电视和有线网络之间. 只有一个端口,它会服务 只有一个函数.

A computer lab is available inside Bobcat 别墅-南方 and Bobcat Villas - West, 在Jean和L.C. "射击"奇异俱乐部,在JAM学生中心,在 the Library, so a student has multiple options on campus if they do not bring a computer. However, all residents have access to the labs inside Bobcat Villas and all EGSC students have access to the other labs, so a student may have to wait their turn during peak times.


Although campus housing will officially close during Thanksgiving Week, Winter Break, and Spring Break, students can complete a Request for Housing during Breaks Form with 向住房和居住生活办公室申请批准. 学生可留下所有物品 在他们的房间里休息. 额外的费用可能记在你的账上 根据你希望停留的假期长短而定.e. winter break).

See the 住校学生手册 (PDF)查阅有关探视的完整规则. 要注意游客的对面 性别必须在每天午夜前结帐离开宿舍. No opposite 允许过夜的性客人(包括家庭成员).

Only approved service animals or Emotional Support Animals are allowed in the residence halls. 想了解更多十大正规网投平台服务性动物或情感支持动物的信息, % 20 % 20接触咨询% 20的办公室.

We ask that students carry a full academic load (12 hours or more) during Fall and 春季学期和夏季学期至少6小时. 特殊例外情况 be considered on a case by case basis, but students need to be aware that any drop in credit hours below full time may reduce their available financial aid and result 在欠学院的财政余额中.

Financial Aid money can be used to pay for housing and meal plan costs, but it cannot 用于支付住房申请费. 申请费必须自付.

学生入住后,他们有责任打扫房间. Health and safety inspections will be performed by staff five times per semester to make sure 公寓正在进行清洁和维护,以达到最低安全标准.

Absolutely! 提供自行车架,但学生需要提供自己的锁.

Telephone access is available in the housing office for students to use if they need 在紧急情况下打电话回家. 直接拨打911的紧急电话是 位于每个走廊的紧急出口附近. 建议居民做 在到达校园前安排好个人手机. 收费电话及 有线电话连接不可用.

EGSC在学校提供免费辅导 卓越学术中心 位于勒克·弗兰德斯·甘布雷尔大楼.

每个住客在会所都有一个邮箱. 将提供邮箱密钥 在住宿登记时使用,退房时必须归还.

学生套餐将于上午8点开始领取.m. - 5 p.m., 周一到周六在俱乐部会所. 不要问这个以外的包裹 time period.


Resident Name
山猫别墅_____公寓#____ (Ex: M105A、K316B等)
Swainsboro, GA 30401


当地居民没有宵禁. 大厅的门24小时锁着,只能进入 由持身份证的常住居民或有访问权限的工作人员使用. You 你可以随心所欲地和你的学生I出入大楼.D.

两栋楼的每间卧室都配有一个有线电视盒. 您将需要提供 你自己的HDMI线连接到有线电视盒. 如果您遇到任何有线电视问题 在居留期间,提出工作要求.

Bobcat 别墅-南方 has one laundry room on the first floor; Bobcat Villas - West 洗衣房一个在二楼,一个在三楼吗. Students 是否有提供自己的洗衣液等.,但不收取使用费用 the equipment.

EGSC furniture cannot be removed, and a clear path must be maintained to the exits, but students can bring their own furniture to make their apartments feel more homey.

牛仔裤和L.C. “Shot”Strange Clubhouse对居民和他们的客人开放. This facility has a game room, four big-screen TVs, a computer lab area, and a multi-purpose 带厨房的房间. 这栋楼可供住宿的学生和他们的客人使用 only, but rooms can be reserved by faculty and staff for events and activities through 校园调度服务. 游戏室通常从下午4点开始营业.m. - Midnight, 7 days a week.

你的住宿顾问将是你在校期间的第一个联系人. If you 是即将入学的学生还是家长请致电478-289-2172或 by%20email. 我们将很乐意帮助您或为您联系正确的资源. You 你能顺便去一下我们山猫别墅的办公室吗.